Answer to Sharp et al. The origin of Plasmodium vivax: science or story telling?
The history of science in this case is instructive. The origin of modern humans has been indeed debated for several decades based on genetic evidences (but also archeological evidences), and yet the details of this origin are still under intense investigation or have been only recently deciphered for some aspects. Rome has not been built in one day. So, asking for more research rather than trying to close the debate is in our mind a better and healthier option than firmly pushing for one scenario (and forgetting at the same time the other possibilities), especially when the evidence look rather weak or contradictory. We are not here to tell stories but to do science. Exploring and investigating all the possibilities and alternatives and tell others to do so is therefore our responsibility.
“Key words: Malaria, Plasmodium vivax, origin, science, story telling.”