Phenotypic variations of Chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) in southern African biomes.

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logo virginie rougeron researcher cnrs laboratory research
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More information about the project


@ V. Rougeron

Phenotypic variations of Chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) in southern African biomes.


Understanding the nature of phenotypic traits that enables Chacma baboons to become such a successful species that colonized extremely variable ecological niches is a key question in the study of their history and their future evolution facing climate changes. In this context, the aim of this research project will be to study phenotypic variations of Chacma baboons through the estimation and comparison of different phenological behaviour and morphological traits and propose a prediction of these variations by 2050. Different troops present in different biomes (savannah, nama-karoo, succulent karoo, fynbos, grassland) will be characterised and we will investigate if some traits could be indicators of adaptative responses to these different environments.


No funding currently available.



Locadia Dzingwena is doing her Master degree on this research question.


Expected project organisation


Figure legend :  @V. Rougeron

Main publications

In this study, fecal samples from chacma baboon troops were collected along a land use gradient of habitats in the Garden Route, South Africa, and analyzed for their isotopic ratios of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N). Article under final writing before submission.


Photos legend : Cebus Olivera, French Guiana. @B. De Thoisy

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Collaborators involved

franck prugnolle crees researcher cnrs



(DR1, MIVEGEC, France), an evolutionary biologist and geneticist, help in data analysis and publication writing.
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Elise Hichard is DR at CNRS and her work explores the social, reproductive and life history strategies of males and females in mammalian societies from an evolutionary perspective.