Evolution of P. vivax and P. vivax-like DBPs

logo virginie rougeron researcher cnrs laboratory research
A research experience from the field to the laboratory

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the aim of the current project is to better understand and evaluate the role of the DBP ligand proteins of P. vivax and the two P. vivax-like species

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  • REHABS International Research Lab South Afrrica
  • virginie.rougeron@cnrs.fr
  • 06 46 64 23 18

More information about the project

lope mission guiana virginie rougeron invasive mice and rodent malaria in africa evolution plasmodium simium origin in americas
lope mission guiana virginie rougeron invasive mice and rodent malaria in africa evolution plasmodium simium origin in americas

@ V. Rougeron

PvDBP evolutionary adaptation to different host species


Species very close genetically to P. vivax were recently discovered by the SHAPE team of the MiVEGEC laboratory, in African great apes (gorillas, Gorilla gorilla and chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes troglodytes), called Plasmodium vivax-like 1 and Plasmodium vivax-like 2. The team generated the first reference genomes of these new species, and was also able to demonstrate the functional existence (unspecified gene and absence of STOP codon in the coding sequence) in P. vivax-like 1 and P. vivax-like 2 of the ligand protein DBP. In this context, the aim of the current project is to better understand and evaluate the role of the DBP ligand proteins of P. vivax and the two P. vivax-like species during the invasion of red blood cells of their respective vertebrate hosts.




Main results

PvDBP1 recognise both human and great apes red blood cells

@ V. Rougeron

The project recently started, and samples are being tested for different rosseting assays.

Main publications

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Intime Business Company, your satisfaction is guaranteed! If for any reason you are unhappy with your cleaning service, simply call us within 48 hours.
Intime Business Company, your satisfaction is guaranteed! If for any reason you are unhappy with your cleaning service, simply call us within 48 hours.


Photos legends : COS7 culture and rosetting assays.

PcDBP evolutionary adaptation

Collaborators involved

celine arnathau cnrs research assistant



As laboratory engineer, she is helping is the implementation of the COS7 rosetting assay.



(IR, MiVEGEC) is managing the entire project.
anne boissiere team research collaborater



She is the one who developed an dimplemented the COS7 experiment for great apes PvDBP.