a research experience from the field to the laboratory
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This ORA research project will include three main task that will be mainly performed in French Guiana
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- REHABS International Research Lab South Afrrica
- virginie.rougeron@cnrs.fr
- 06 46 64 23 18
More information about the project

@ B. De Thoisy
Origin and Adaptation of parasites to new environments: the case of monkey malarial agents in French Guiana CEBA Annual Call ORA – 2021 – 2023
In this ORA project, our aim is to get clues on how P. simium and P. brasilianum emerged in Americas. Since to understand the origin of a pathogen species into a new host environment, it is necessary to determine the set of host species in which the pathogen naturally circulates, the first task of the project will be to proceed to a more thorough examination of the natural host range of P. simium and P. brasilianum in American nonhuman primates. The second task, based on genomes sequencing data, will be to study the population genetic structure of these Plasmodium species in America. Finally, the last task will aim to examine lineage specific genomic features of these monkey Plasmodium species to determine if and how these parasites genetically adapted to its different host species.
This ORA research project will include three main task that will be mainly performed in French Guiana, in collaboration with CEBA researchers and their institutions.
CEBA Annual Call – ORA project – 2021 – 2023 “Origin and Adaptation of parasites to new environments: the case of monkey malarial agents in French Guiana”


@ B. De Thoisy
Because the project recently started, samples are being screened and all genomic data are currently being produced.
Studied sampling distribution
Figue legend : Origin of animal samples that will be screened for the presence of Plasmodium parasites in the ORA project. @ V. Rougeron
Main publications
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Intime Business Company, your satisfaction is guaranteed! If for any reason you are unhappy with your cleaning service, simply call us within 48 hours.
Intime Business Company, your satisfaction is guaranteed! If for any reason you are unhappy with your cleaning service, simply call us within 48 hours.
Photos legends : Cebus Olivera, French Guiana. @ B. De Thoisy – Landscape, French Guiana. @ V. Rougeron – Monkey, French Guiana. @ B. De Thoisy – House, French Guiana @ V. Rougeron
Malarial agent in French Guiana
Collaborators involved

(DR1, MIVEGEC, France), an evolutionary biologist and geneticist, help in data analysis and publication writing.

Olivier DURON
Olivier DURON
(DR2, MiVEGEC, France), help in publication writing.

(IE, MiVEGEC, France), specialist in molecular biology and Plasmodium, be in charge of the molecular bench-work.

(CRCN, MIVEGEC, France), specialist in genomics and evolutionary adaptation of organisms, help in genomic data analysis and publication writing.
(IR, MiVEGEC) is managing the entire project.