A Research experience from the field to the laboratory research evolution adaptation plasmodium vivax-like african great apes chacma baboon the host specificity of ape malaria parasites can be broken in confined environments Enteric viruses are ubiquitous viruses infecting a wide range of vertebrates including humans Completed Project Evolution and Adaptation of Plasmodium vivax Origin of […]
A Research experience from the field to the laboratory research evolution adaptation plasmodium vivax-like african great apes monkeys Plasmodium vivax, one of the five species responsible of human malaria To unravel the origin of P. vivax clades: an Asian or African origin? We will determine if the current dispersion of P. vivax reflects modern human […]
A Research experience from the field to the laboratory Research evolution adaptation plasmodium vivax-like african great apes humans Infectious diseases represent the second cause of death worldwide We propose to generate a radically global understanding of how pathogens adapt to new environments study the pathogen evolutionary history the different P. vivax clades through the generation […]