ecology of enteric viruses in wild animals
Research plasmodium vivax and plasmodium simium origin in americas
I am happy to participate to conferences and workshops to present and share our research.
evolution of p vivax and p vivax like dbps

“Xeno-surveillance, a non-invasive tool with multiple facettes”. Invited speaker, Rougeron V.
“Human migrations as footprints of the evolutionary history of pathogens”. Rougeron V.
“How genetics and genomics are powerful tools to elucidate the evolution of pathogens: the great apes’ parasite Plasmodium vivax-like”. Rougeron V.
“Tracking the ecology and evolution of pathogens using the tools of genetics”. Rougeron V.
“How population genetics and genomics are powerful tools to elucidate the evolutionary origin of pathogens: the case of the malaria agent Plasmodium vivax”. Rougeron V.: invited as keynote speaker.
“How population genetic and genomic highlighted the evolutionary history of a pathogen: the case of the human malaria agent Plasmodium vivax”. Rougeron V.: invited speaker.
“Plasmodium vivax population genomics shed news insight into its evolutionary history”. Rougeron V.: invited as keynote speaker.
“Plasmodium vivax population genomics shed news insight into its biology and evolution”. Rougeron V.: invited as keynote speaker.
“Plasmodium vivax-like red blood stages evolution”. Rougeron V.: invited speaker.
“Plasmodium vivax-like studies shed new insights into Plasmodium vivax biology and evolution.” Rougeron V. et al.: oral presentation.
‘Plasmodium vivax-like genome sequences shed new insights into Plasmodium vivax biology and evolution.’ Rougeron V et al.: oral presentation.
‘Plasmodium vivax-like genome sequences shed new insights into Plasmodium vivax biology and evolution’ Rougeron V et al.: poster presentation.
Invited to give classes in populational genetics.
Epistatic Interactions Between Apolipoprotein E and Hemoglobin S genes in Regulation of Malaria Parasitemia. Rougeron V et al.: poster presentation.
Var genes evolution. Rougeron V et al.: poster presentation.
‘Levels of inbreeding in protozoan parasites of the Leishmania Viannia subgenus. Rougeron V et al.: poster presentation.
Mode of reproduction of Leishmania parasites. Rougeron V et al.: oral presentation.
‘Levels of inbreeding in protozoan parasites of the Leishmania Viannia subgenus. Rougeron V et al.: oral presentation.
Extreme inbreeding in Leishmania braziliensis. Rougeron V et al.: oral presentation (Invited).